Nutritional quality of selected Croatian traditional dry-fermented sausages

  • Ana Vulić Croatian Veterinary Institute, Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry
  • Nina Kudumija
  • Tina Lešić Croatian Veterinary Institute, Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry
  • Jelka Pleadin
Keywords: traditional sausages, physiochemical properties, fatty acid profile, mineral content, households


The production of dry-fermented meat products, including dry-fermented sausages, has a long tradition in Croatian households. These sausages differ greatly depending on the production region. The aim of the study was to characterize the best-known types of dry-fermented Croatian sausages from Eastern Croatia, including Kulen, Kulenova Seka and Slavonian sausage. The results uncovered significant differences (p<0.05) in chemical properties of the above sausages in terms of not only fat, water and ash, but also mineral (sodium and calcium) content. Fatty acid profiles of the sausages under study did not significantly differ, except for the share of total saturated fatty acids and stearic acid. These findings indicate that different recipes and production processes applied to these fermented pork meat sausages affect their physicochemical properties and mineral content, but not their fatty acid profile.

How to Cite
Vulić, A., Kudumija, N., Lešić, T., & Pleadin, J. (2023). Nutritional quality of selected Croatian traditional dry-fermented sausages. Scientific Journal "Meat Technology&quot;, 64(2), 52-57.
Original scientific paper