Magnesium content in chicken meat - share in food intake
The aim of this study was to determine magnesium content in two types of chicken meat samples and to calculate average intake of magnesium through chicken by adults in Serbia. Meat and meat products are important sources of many nutrients, including protein, minerals, vitamins and fats. Оne of the minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the human body is magnesium. Considering the price, availability and consumption, chicken meat is one of the most important foods in the human diet. A total of 81 samples were analysed using inductively coupled plasma with mass detection. The results showed that the average magnesium content in chicken meat was 297.8 mg/kg. The intake of magnesium by chicken meat per adult in Serbia was found to be 51.48 g per day, which represents 5% of the recommended daily intake. Taking into account the wide spectrum of other nutrients that we consume through chicken meat, we can conclude that chicken plays an important role in overall magnesium intake by adults in Serbia.