Food safety and microbiological criteria
Microbiological criteria, limits, food safety, HACCP, FSOs, POS
The major cause of food borne diseases according to epidemiological data and risk analysis, are microorganisms and toxins of microorganisms. Uniform approach to ensure food safety is essential to achieve the same level of protection of human health and facilitate food trade between countries. Therefore with the new approach to food safety it was necessary to set up adequate microbiological criteria for foods. Microbiological criteria may be applied at various points in the food chain. They may be used during production and/or to asses the final product. Microbiological criteria may, however, play a supplementary role in the verification of HACCP.
How to Cite
Bunčić, O., & Katić, V. (2011). Food safety and microbiological criteria. Scientific Journal "Meat Technology", 52(1), 47-51. Retrieved from