Comparative analysis of meat chemical composition of different broiler provenances

  • Natasa Glamoclija University in Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Keywords: Cobb, Ross, Hubbard, chemical composition, breast meat, drumstick with thigh


The objective of this study was to determine the effect of breed line and age on carcass chemical composition in broiler chickens. Chemical composition of broiler breast meat and drumstick with thigh were compared within3 lines (Cobb, Ross, and Hubbard). Each line was divided into two groups, aged 42 and 50 days. Chemical composition of meat was determined 48 hours after slaughter and was very variable depending on the breed and age of the broilers. The most significant differences were observed in fat content. Breast meat and meat from drumstick with thigh of younger broilers (42 days old) had significantly lower fat content than older broilers (50 days old). Cobb broilers, 42 days old, had significantly lower percentages of fat (p<0.01) in breast meat and meat from drumsticks with thighs than other broiler lines of the same age, while 50 day old Hubbard broilers had lower fat levels in breast meat and meat from drumsticks with thighs than meat from the other two broiler provenances (Cobb or Ross) of the same age. Hubbard broilers (42 days old) had significantly lower (p<0.01) levels of water and protein in breast meat and meat from drumsticks with thighs compared to the other broiler lines. Interactions between breed line and age were found for fat percentage in breast meat and meat from drumsticks with thighs. Meat quality of broilers of different provenances can be estimated by determining the chemical composition of breast meat and meat from drumsticks with thighs.

How to Cite
Glamoclija, N. (2017). Comparative analysis of meat chemical composition of different broiler provenances. Scientific Journal "Meat Technology&quot;, 57(1), 1-5. Retrieved from
Original scientific paper