The attitudes and habits of serbian presshool children in consumption of meat and fish

  • Vesna Djordjevic Institute of meat hygiene and technology
  • Radivoj Petronijevic Institute of meat hygiene and technology
  • Danijela Sarcevic Institute of meat hygiene and technology
  • Vesna Jankovic Institute of meat hygiene and technology
  • Brankica Lakicevic Institute of meat hygiene and technology
  • Branko Velebit Institute of meat hygiene and technology
  • Dragana Ljubojevic Institute of meat hygiene and technology
Keywords: preschool children, consumption, fish, meat


The goal of this study was to explore attitudes and habits of Serbian preschool children to consumption of meat and fish. Altogether, 60 preschool children from 5 to 7 years old participated in this study. The results showed that 100% of preschool children eat meat and fish. Results showed that 75% of respondents consumed meat once a day. Data analysis of fish consumption frequency showed that participants consumed fish once a week (75%). The most frequently consumed meat was poultry. Preschool children preferred river fish in their diet over sea fish. Also, parental influence in this childhood period is significant.


How to Cite
Djordjevic, V., Petronijevic, R., Sarcevic, D., Jankovic, V., Lakicevic, B., Velebit, B., & Ljubojevic, D. (2017). The attitudes and habits of serbian presshool children in consumption of meat and fish. Scientific Journal "Meat Technology", 57(1). Retrieved from
Original scientific paper