The impact of triticale diet on production charchteristics and meat quality in pigs

  • Natasa Glamoclija Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Belgrade
  • Milca Glisic Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Belgrade
  • Marija Boskovic Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Belgrade
  • Jasna Djordjevic Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Belgrade
  • Radmila Markovic Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Belgrade
  • Dragan Sefer Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Belgrade
  • Milan Z Baltic Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Belgrade
Keywords: triticale charachteristics, pig feed, meat quality, carcass quality


Triticale (Triticosecale) is a hybrid crop which inherited the excellent grain quality and high yield potential of wheat (Triticum spp.) and the good tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses factors of rye (Secale cereale). As an energy crop, triticale has now been used for human food and livestock feed for many years. The main agronomic goal has been to improve the properties of triticale grains over those of wheat, corn, rye, barley, etc., making triticale an attractive option for increasing global food production. This paper discussesthe advantages of using triticale as a pig feed.

How to Cite
Glamoclija, N., Glisic, M., Boskovic, M., Djordjevic, J., Markovic, R., Sefer, D., & Baltic, M. (2018). The impact of triticale diet on production charchteristics and meat quality in pigs. Scientific Journal "Meat Technology", 58(2), 73-79. Retrieved from
Original scientific paper