Nanotechnology and its potential applications in meat industry

  • Milan Ž. Baltić University in Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Marija Bošković University in Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Marija Dokmanović University in Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Jelena Janjić University in Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Jasna Lončina University in Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Tatjana Baltić Institute of meat hygiene and technology
Keywords: nanotechnology, nano-packaging, meat, issue and benefits


The food industry is making great efforts to improve hygiene, extend the shelf life of products, prevent food-borne illnesses and contamination by chemical and also physical agents, and to improve their detection and control if contamination already has occurred. As a result, there is a constant search for new technologies which can help in achieving these goals. Nanotechnology is one of the major innovations which have already been applied in many different areas. Results of previous studies show that the use of nanotechnology provides a number of opportunities to improve processes of production, packaging, distribution and storage of the food, and therefore of the meat, as one of the most valuable source of nutritional components.


How to Cite
Baltić, M., Bošković, M., Dokmanović, M., Janjić, J., Lončina, J., & Baltić, T. (2013). Nanotechnology and its potential applications in meat industry. Scientific Journal "Meat Technology", 54(2), 168-175. Retrieved from