Тhe impact of starter culture on the pH and the contentof lactic and volatile fatty acids in boiled-smoked sausages

  • Dijana Indzhelieva University “Prof. dr. A. Zlatarov”, College of Tourism
  • Katja-Jorgova Valkova University of Food Technologies, Faculty of Food Technology - Repulic of Bulgaria
  • Aco Kuzelov 3 University Goce Delcev, Faculty of Agriculture - Republic of Macedonia;
  • Darko Andronikov 4 University Goce Delcev Faculty of Technology - Republic of Macedonia
Keywords: meat products, starter cultures, pH, volatile fatty acids


This paper reviews the effects of starter cultures with lactic acid bacteria as a factor of increasing quality and in- tensification of production processes in durable boiled – smoked sausages, type of Burgas. In this regard, the impact of starter cultures in the filling, their role in changing the pH value, the content of lactic acid and volatile fatty acids were tested. The two types of starter were used: pure cultures Bifidobacterium longum (B 2 ), and mixed cultures Bifidobacterium longum (B 2) and Lactobacillus plantarum (L 6 ), ratio 2 : 1. To test their impact in stimulating technological process we have produced 10 kg product model of boiled – smoked sausage durable type of Burgas. During the process of draining and drying, an increase in the number of lactobacilli and bifid bacteria was recorded. The test results show that the minimum pH value was detected in the period of intensive growth of microorganisms from the starter culture. pH values depend on the composition of starter cultures. Also, rapid decline of pH in the experimental samples with mixed starter cultures was recorded. Considering the amount of lactic acid, intense formation of lactic acid was detected in experimental samples, especially with mixed starter cultures. The results of the examination of the content of volatile fatty acids show that during the process of drying in all of the samples an increase in the value was observed, even a more intensive one in the test samples.

How to Cite
Indzhelieva, D., Valkova, K.-J., Kuzelov, A., & Andronikov, D. (2015). Тhe impact of starter culture on the pH and the contentof lactic and volatile fatty acids in boiled-smoked sausages. Scientific Journal "Meat Technology", 56(1), 34-40. Retrieved from http://journalmeattechnology.com/index.php/meat_technology/article/view/177
Original scientific paper