Food safety and quality management system performances in Serbian meat industry

  • Radomir Radovanović University in Belgrafde - Faculty of Agricultural Science
  • Igor Tomašević University in Belgrafde - Faculty of Agricultural Science
Keywords: food safety and quality management, system performances, Serbian meat industry


In the last ten years a significant number of domestic meat processing facilities implemented and certified (or are in the process of implementation) different safety management systems (HACCP, ISO 22000, IFS). The largest number of food companies and business have determined for the implementation of the concept of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). These activities, at least in most cases, followed the adoption of appropriate regulations - Veterinary Law, and particularly Food safety law. Thanks to many years of work related to various aspects of food safety, including consulting and auditing, and other activities that have enabled the authors of this paper to gain insight into the numerous FSMS systems, in this paper we have decided to share our impressions related to the performance analysis of these systems. Among others, we would like to mentioned top management commitment, selection of consultants, defining the process, grouping and product description, hazard analysis, critical control points (CCPs) and critical limits (CLs), monitoring and verification of CCPs, corrections, corrective and preventive measures, as well as other main elements affecting the performance of FSMS.

How to Cite
Radovanović, R., & Tomašević, I. (2011). Food safety and quality management system performances in Serbian meat industry. Scientific Journal "Meat Technology", 52(1), 1-12. Retrieved from