Free systems of rearing of chickens and layer hens: quality of meat and eggs*

  • Zlatica Pavlovski Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade –Zemun, Republic of Serbia.
  • Zdenka Škrbić Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade –Zemun, Republic of Serbia.
  • Miloš Lukić Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade –Zemun, Republic of Serbia
Keywords: ree system of rearing, quality, poultry meat, table eggs


Conventional broiler and egg production are basis of modern production of poultry meat and table eggs in the World and in our country. Standing requirements and demands for more and better in poultry production have induced continuous work on improvement of technologies of broiler rearing and production of table eggs. Improvements in technologies of production of meat and eggs depend on country’s natural resources, environment conditions and, certainly, on consumer opinion and demands. In addition to the quantity of products, considerable attention will be focused on poultry welfare, application of new rearing systems and, accordingly, on quality of the product. Positive effects of the free system of rearing of broilers and layer hens on quality of meat and eggs, which have been established in our many years of research, will be presented in this paper.
Key words: free system of rearing, quality, poultry meat, table eggs.

How to Cite
Pavlovski, Z., Škrbić, Z., & Lukić, M. (2011). Free systems of rearing of chickens and layer hens: quality of meat and eggs*. Scientific Journal "Meat Technology", 52(1), 160-166. Retrieved from