Intense light pulses upset the sensory quality of meat products

  • Igor Tomašević University in Belgrade - Faculty of Agriculture
Keywords: intense light pulses, meat products, sensory quality, color


Intense light pulses (ILP) is a promising non-thermal preservation technology. Few data are reported about the
impact of the treatment on sensory quality of meat and meat products. Evaluation of the impact of ILP on sensory quality of meat
products was performed using five different types of meat products: cooked ham, Parisian sausage, Parma ham, fermented sausage
and bacon. All the samples were treated with 1 and 5 light pulses (pulse duration of 300 μs and pulse intensity of 3.4 J/cm2) at a rate
of one pulse per 2 seconds. Changes in the sensory quality induced by intense light pulses were different and depended on type of meat
product and ILP dose applied. The results for cooked meat products are not promising because ILP significantly deteriorated their
sensory quality. Dry-cured meat product, Parma ham and bacon, showed greater sensory resistance to the impact of ILP than examined
cooked meat products. Fermented sausage was least affected by ILP of all the meat products investigated. Pulsed light lightened cooked
ham after the higher treatment was applied while the lightness of Parisian sausage remained unaffected by the treatment. The a* value
significantly decreased only after the 5-pulses treatment in Parma ham, fermented sausage and bacon while the b* value changed
significantly (increased) only in bacon.

How to Cite
Tomašević, I. (2015). Intense light pulses upset the sensory quality of meat products. Scientific Journal "Meat Technology", 56(1), 1-7. Retrieved from
Original scientific paper